Life Here

August 9, 2018 By Ruby Hardy

World War II Ladies

August 9, 2018 By Ruby Hardy
World War II Ladies

Did you know that there are at least eight ladies living at Paradise Valley Estates who played a role in the effort to assist our troops during World War II? We call them the “World War II Ladies.”

Mrs. Linda Minton, a teacher and author from Indianapolis, Indiana, contacted me and asked if I knew of any WWII ladies living at PVE. I told her I knew of two, but I would ask around and see if there were any others. To my surprise, I was able to locate six more. I approached these ladies, explaining that Linda Minton was writing a book about women who, in some way, contributed to the war effort. All the ladies were very eager to talk about their experiences, so the project was a go!

Linda and her husband visited PVE for a day and a half. Linda interviewed the ladies individually while David Nadeau video recorded each session. When asked what they wanted America to know about their experience, the ladies responded that they all wanted to help this great country in whatever way they could. Men were all being drafted and fighting for our country and the ladies wanted to do something to help as well.

Each lady spoke eagerly and proudly. They said they were among the “fighters” and wanted to help our country win. They either joined the service, or, in their own way, helped efforts to help our troops. The group includes nurses, accountants, ‘Rosie the Riveter’ types, active Red Cross workers and one who worked censoring letters. All felt they lived in the BEST country in the world and wanted to do their share. Several met their husbands during this time; others were already married and saw their husbands go to Europe and then to Asia to help win the war.

These ladies are very proud to say they did what they could for their country. When you meet these ladies at dinner or in the hallway, tell them how proud you are of them and say, “Thank you for your service.”


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