Local Lifestyle

Local Planner: Vacaville Fiesta Days
The heart of Vacaville Fiesta Days has always been a community celebration. That tradition continues May 26-30 and here’s how you can join in the fun!

Local Planner: Napa Valley Gondola
When you can’t get to Venice, enjoy a little slice of the experience here in Napa with a river tour from Napa Valley Gondola.

Ridge Neighborhood Opens to Rave Reviews
When we unveiled our newest neighborhood to the public in March, it was a perfect Northern California day to celebrate a remarkable way of life you can live every day.

Military Vehicle Day Demo and Car Show
Ever wanted to see a tank crush a car? Make your dream come true at Demonstration Weekend, April 9-10, at the American Armory Museum.

First Street Makers Market
Shop local at the upcoming Makers Market in Napa on Saturday, March 19. Spend an afternoon enjoying hand-crafted goods, toe-tapping music and much more.

Treat Your Valentine to a Hauntingly Good Evening
Surprise your Valentine with a hauntingly good outdoor adventure on a downtown Napa walking tour or cuddle up at home and screen the Haunted Wine Country documentary featuring the paranormal pros of Napa City Ghosts and Legends Walking Tours.