Posts for January 2021

Retired Submarine Commander Shares Undersea Experiences

Retired United States Navy submarine commander Bill Fernow shared his experiences at life and sea in an interview at Paradise Valley Estates Life Plan Community.

Our Southwest Travel Adventure

When Paradise Valley Estates residents Dick Feaster and Dick Lubman took a two-week driving tour through Utah, Arizona and California in the fall of 2020, they decided to make it a series. Join along!

PVE Grocery Service Delivers Food, Smiles

To provide extra service and safety for Life Pan Community residents, Paradise Valley Estates team members have gained PhDs in grocery store shopping.

Final Phases of Construction Underway at The Ridge

Construction at The Ridge safely continued throughout 2020, keeping the eight-acre expansion on track for mid-2021 completion.

Happy Times During COVID

California Life Plan Community residents take technology leap to overcome unplanned COVID-19 quarantine.

Active Duty — A Life

Take it from an Army guy, military living is a lifetime of plusses that can reach beyond a service member’s retirement.

PVE Corker Activities

The PVE Wine Makers Club, aka the “Corkers,” have started a new wine-making project.

The Secret to Reaching 100 Years

If people, like wine, get better with age, some of our neighbors are approaching magnificent. Paradise Valley Estates was thrilled to celebrate a bumper crop of five 100th birthdays in 2020.