Finding Your Way in a New Town
Residents of our community welcomed their new neighbors with a thoughtful guided tour of their new, nearby hometown.
Residents of our community welcomed their new neighbors with a thoughtful guided tour of their new, nearby hometown.
A memory archaeologist helps you sift through your experiences, stories and artifacts of the past to help preserve them for the future. Paradise Valley Estates has been fortunate to have one of the best working with our residents.
Two of the most significant changes at Paradise Valley Estates during our shelter-in-place have been the absence of our ice cream and the arrival of live streaming as our primary means of communication.
Memories are funny things. Sometimes you can visualize the face of a classmate from third grade as if chiseled on the back of your brain, but you can’t remember a single name at your class reunion.
Your first thought is “How conceited can I get?” However, once you have begun the process, your very next thought is “This is more work than I expected!” New and harsher thoughts tend to surface later in the writing process.
In September, PVE celebrated Active Aging Week and we certainly enjoy a wide variety of physical fitness activities designed for every level of ability here.
"Like many children who grew up in rural America during the 1900s, I attended that bit of Americana called the one-room schoolhouse."
The history of the Worship Service at PVE is a study in patience and persistence, as embodied by its founder Lucille Thyrring.
Holidays are built around family traditions, which give them their rich and unique flavor.
In the Fitness Department’s ongoing effort to entice residents to keep fit, strong and flexible, the staff always searches for the latest exercise methods.