One of the fun tasks I enjoy each month when editing Elysian Fields is writing the Save These Dates column. You might wonder where I find these particular items. Well, one obvious place is the weekly Friday Flash to get the details on any upcoming PVE outings.
The internet is a wonderful resource for other items. There are several websites that list interesting events for various days of the year. The most obvious ones are national holidays, which are easily found with a simple search. Also, there are a couple of interesting websites that list wild and wacky items tied to each day of the month. For example, one lists February 1 as Work Naked Day. Well, I probably won’t do that, although my old sweats are worn out enough that I probably come close.
I’m a little partial to good food, as probably many of you have noticed. After enjoying the Work Naked Day, the next day is Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day which, if indulged in each year, will definitely make the Work Naked Day even more risqué. Chocolate Fondue Day follows a few days later — now the calories are really adding up.
Some residents enjoy imbibing an alcoholic drink once in a while in The Club. So, we’re all happy to learn that National Bubbly Day (June 1), National Tequila Day (July 24), American Beer Day (Oct. 27) and International Stout Day (Nov. 7) are awaiting us later in the year. Hmmm — maybe that reference to “stout” may refer to eating too many chocolate cupcakes (Oct. 18).
Oh well, December 30 awaits (Bicarbonate of Soda Day) — which will help us recover from Eggnog Day (Dec. 24) and prepare for New Year’s Eve.