PVE has had a Resident Council since its beginning. Required by state law because we are a CCRC, the council is made up of nine members elected by the residents. The members serve three-year terms and three new members are elected each year.
Acting as the voice of the residents, the council meets each month and provides input to PVE management. The management and council work closely together on many issues. Recently, the council has been involved with planning for the new property and improving management-resident communications.
The council also supports the annual Employee Appreciation Fund drive and many charities in the local area, including the Solano Winds and the Solano Symphony. They also support our residents by purchasing various items around the campus. For example, the council funded a portion of the stage lighting and curtains in Rawlinson Hall and provided funding for the memorial garden.
The Council’s funding comes solely from sales in our Store. Store sales generate more than $50,000 each year. There are 13 subcommittees of the council, each involving 5 to 15 residents. Each subcommittee has a Resident Council member who acts as a liaison to the council. The subcommittees advise the council on issues related to their expertise. For example, the Dining Services Committee works with the PVE Dining Services organization and provides feedback on food and service.
The current members of the Resident Council are: Margot Murphy, president; Jack McNichols, vice president; Hal Mosher, treasurer; Jerry Martin, secretary; Nancy Bartels, Phyllis Riley, Ken Lyon, Charlie Ridgway, Kim Marshall.