Life Here

February 14, 2019 By Julie Turner

MacQuarrie Memoir Shares 76-Year Love Story

February 14, 2019 By Julie Turner
MacQuarrie Memoir Shares 76-Year Love Story

In late 2018, Paradise Valley Estates residents Clara and Warren MacQuarrie celebrated the completion of a true labor of love: their memoir “Love & War: Our Journey Through Life.” The 202-page book, which chronicles their 76-year marriage, details their years together as Warren served the U.S. Military through three wars and more than 30 years of highly decorated service.

It’s a lot of fanfare for a marriage began in strict secrecy in 1942.

The couple married in September 1942 and one month later Warren was called up for a Marine Corps flight training program — a program that, at the time, didn’t allow married men. The two traveled to Boston where Warren would depart for training in North Carolina. When asked by a reporter on the scene if she was there seeing anyone off, Clara simply said she was there to say goodbye to her brother. The priceless goodbye photo of the newlywed “siblings” captured by the reporter in 1942 is the cover of their memoir.

Over the next thirty years, Warren flew in and survived combat missions in World War II, Korea and Vietnam while Clara cared for their five children back in the U.S.

One of his toughest missions was in 1968.

Warren had decided to retire and had even had the papers drawn up when he was offered — and accepted — a once-in-a-lifetime command opportunity. Clara, who is affectionately referred to as “The General,” was initially irate but later came to terms with the extension. Warren finally retired in 1972 and the couple moved to Paradise Valley Estates in 2000.

The couple had been working on the book for more than 15 years, with help from their children. In December, the couple celebrated their accomplishment with a book signing at Paradise Valley Estates. Their memoir, “Love and War: Our Journey Through Life,” is available on Amazon in Kindle, paperback and hardcover options.


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