The library, on the second floor of the Community Center, was established early in PVE’s history with an initial complement of 36 linear feet of National Geographic magazines. It has since grown to more than 6,000 books — the size of Thomas Jefferson’s library. We also have a large print Reading Room down the hall on the left. We welcome any donations of magazines, books and videos.
We have a wall and a quarter of fiction and a room of paperback fiction in the back room to the right. There is a partial wall of biographies on the right, marked with the biographer’s name. A little note: if you are looking for Princess Diana, she is listed under Spencer, her last name. There is a smattering of other subjects, just in case you are interested. It is good to just browse around and see what’s there.
You can check out books using the list in the back and check them back in when you are finished. The library can’t fill specific book requests and doesn’t maintain a card catalog, but our dedicated volunteers keep the inventory as fresh as possible cycling in and out items.
PVE provides the library with newspapers. As a courtesy to others, please put them back together after you read them and do not remove any sections. The magazines, which are donated, are in alphabetical order. We have a few videos in the cupboard under the biographies.
There are two computers (a PC and a Mac) and a printer for your use. Paper is furnished, but if you have a long item to print, it is best to bring your own paper. We ask that you do not bring food or drink into the library.
Our library volunteers come in every Saturday morning as available to put books away and do other chores. They are a devoted group so sometimes they even come in during the week, too. If you have questions, feel free to ask them.
If you’re interested in accessing the Dept. of Motor Vehicles driver’s tests, contact Bev Clemson. They are not part of the general library circulation. Happy reading!