Greater Good

February 22, 2022 By Bruce Bartels

Cookies for First Responders

February 22, 2022 By Bruce Bartels
Cookies for First Responders

Several years ago, Phyllis Mosher thought it would be nice to thank Paradise Valley Estates’ first responders in some way. Since she likes to bake cookies, she felt perhaps cookies would be the way to do it. Each fall, she put a notice in the Friday Flash for donations of homemade cookies and goodies. The first year, about 72 dozen were donated. There can never be too many for this group of hard-working, dedicated individuals. It would be hard to count the number of visits they have made to Paradise Valley Estates. One year she was later than usual with her delivery and was met with “We were wondering if we were going to get any this year!”

A couple of years, she took some to the police station as well, in time for their annual party.

One year Phyllis banged on the side door to Fire Station 41, but it is difficult to gain attention when the TV is on in a distant room. So, she went around to the front door and made as much noise as she could muster. Finally, two firefighters came to the door and agreed to collect the cookies at the side door as usual. However, after opening the door, one of them could not get away without taking his shoe off – he had inadvertently stepped on a sticky strip used to keep rodents at bay and couldn’t work his shoe loose! Even the “victim” chuckled.

Phyllis had to skip 2020 because of COVID.

In December 2021, many residents offered yummy looking treats. This year, besides cookies, walnut stuffed dates and mini muffins were included. About 15 or so dozen in all. The response was “All these? We will share them with the other station,” which is what the firefighters at Station 41 usually do. And, of course, the two recipients, on behalf of all, offered a heartfelt, “Thank you!”


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