Life Here

April 13, 2017 By Bill Green

April is Bocce Time

April 13, 2017 By Bill Green
April is Bocce Time

The PVE Bocce season starts tomorrow (April 14) in conjunction with our first continental breakfast of the year.

We are looking forward to another terrific season. We have two courts this year and the games will be played on both on weekday mornings. The first games begin at 9:00 a.m., followed immediately by second games at 10:15 a.m. The season continues until about October 1.

The Friday morning games always attract the largest audiences because of concurrent continental breakfast provided by David Kalbaugh and the dining services staff. The PVE bocce players had a kickoff meeting on March 13. Their enthusiasm was high, but the announcement that got the most cheers was that we now have two courts.

We offer many thanks to PVE management and our Resident Council for financing the project to build the second court. This wonderful addition means that our teams will play at least once each week and often more than once. As of March 13, we have 21 teams consisting of 161 players plus 10 others who wish to play as alternates. Some new residents have signed on with existing teams, but there are still many others who want to be PVE bocce players.

The PVE Bocce Committee members for the 2017 bocce season are: Kay Green (Chair, Team Score Recorder), Susan Marshall (Rules), Ray Arnold and Bill Drake (Court Maintenance), Marilyn Isherwood (Teams) and  Bill Green (Publicity).

Let’s get rollin’!


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