Greater Good

February 9, 2021 By Gilberta Pierson

Vaccination Day at Paradise Valley Estates

February 9, 2021 By Gilberta Pierson
Vaccination Day at Paradise Valley Estates

As I was readying myself for a 2 p.m. appointment for my first COVID-19 vaccination, I was curious. How in the world was Paradise Valley Estates going to give shots to 500 residents and 384 team members in a single day?

Imagine my astonishment when I received a call at 1 p.m., informing that they were ahead of schedule and that I could come any time. I quickly got into my car. On the way to the Community Center, I doubted I’d find a parking place. Wrong. There was plenty of parking.

Walking toward Rawlinson Hall, which had always been the scene of elegant luncheons, dinners, dances and other festive events, I envisioned long lines of anxious residents in need of assistance. Wrong again. What I did really encounter? Several tables staffed by expert clinicians, administering vaccinations with no wait. There were team members everywhere, ready to lend any needed assistance.

After getting our vaccines, we were instructed to walk to the main dining room and stay for 15 minutes. There, team members would observe us for adverse reactions to the vaccine. So many team members were onsite to lend assistance to any resident who needed it, including on the walk down to the dining room!

All told, I was back at home in about 30 minutes.

In the four years I’ve lived at Paradise Valley Estates, I’ve always felt there’s something reassuring about the little golf carts we see everywhere. They are what carry team members from the clinic, housekeeping, maintenance and security. They bring assistance of any kind right to us, whatever that need might be.

Every time I see one, it reminds how glad I am to live at Paradise Valley Estates!


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