
May 16, 2023 By PVE Residents

Two Selected as Residents of the Year

May 16, 2023 By PVE Residents
Two Selected as Residents of the Year

Past presidents of the Resident Council selected two residents as 2022 Residents of the Year. Nancy Bartels and Sally McNichols were chosen for their on-going work to support PVE’s residents. The Resident of the Year program was started in 2007 by past presidents of the Resident Council to honor individuals who have made dedicated long-term efforts that positively affect a majority of residents. The nomination process usually starts in February or March, and the immediate past president chairs the selection committee. Each resident receives a form they can use to nominate worthy individuals for the honor. This year, 162 nomination forms were received and 21 individuals, couples, and groups were nominated. The honorees were announced at the March Town Hall meeting. Nancy Bartels has served as chair of the Dining Services Committee and as secretary of the Resident Council. For the past several years, she has chaired the Technology Committee. That committee, working with management, has been responsible for delivering PVE’s emergency notification system and new nurse call system (resident pendants). She led the effort to deliver PVE’s Pulse, which allowed residents to weather the storm of the COVID pandemic by providing information and allowing residents to order and receive meals among other things. The committee was also instrumental in collaborating with management to redo the contract with Comcast, which reduced the cost of internet service for all residents. Most recently, they established a new technical support system to help residents who need assistance with computer-related issues.

Sally McNichols has spearheaded health services at PVE since her arrival. She has been the chair of the Health Services Committee twice, has served on the Resident Council, and is currently on the Arts Advisory Committee. Sally’s background in health services prior to coming to PVE has allowed her to be a leader in that important area. She was instrumental in developing a health services information booklet for families and a wallet card for residents. During the COVID lockdown, she formed a team of residents who made weekly calls to other residents to ensure they were safe and well and had all necessities. Sally has become the rock on which residents lean when they or their loved ones experience health-related problems. Her continued work in PVE’s provision of health care has improved its delivery and made health services at PVE among the best possible. Every honored Resident of the Year reflects the qualities that make PVE unique. Friends helping friends to enjoy their retired life while still giving many hours back to the community.


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