Life Here

December 31, 2019 By Marie Smith

Termites to the Rescue

December 31, 2019 By Marie Smith
Termites to the Rescue

What! How can termites be helpful? They’re the varmints that feast on wood and destroy furniture and structures.

Well, not the termites I’m talking about. These “Termites” are a special group of talented Paradise Valley Estates residents who are woodworkers. They have their own shop in the back area of our recreational building and work on special projects for our community as well as individual residents. Here is how they helped me:

Recently, my daughter was emptying her home in Florida after selling it. She came across a small occasional table with an eagle design carved on the front that had been in my family home when I was growing up. She offered to ship it to me.

I was delighted as I had my eye on it for a long time. Foolishly, with all my moves over the years, I had not kept a single piece of furniture dating back to my childhood.

I couldn’t wait for this sentimental reminder of my early years to arrive. When the box finally came, I opened it right away. Ripping the outside tape apart, I carefully removed the table and took a long look at it. To my dismay and utter disappointment, I saw that it was wobbly and, worse yet, the eagle design was broken in several places. I was crushed! What a disappointment.

Then I had an idea. Maybe the Termites could help. Sure enough, Bob Lunning, project manager, steered me to Wolfe Schaechter, a reconstruction expert! He worked on it in three stages. After the repair was complete, I picked the table up to closely examine it. To my delight, it was good as new. There was no way I could tell that it had ever been damaged. I was so thankful and appreciative.

It now sits in a very prominent place in our living room. I smile when I walk by.

Thank you, Wolfe, and thank you PVE Termites.


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