Local Lifestyle

August 15, 2017 By Ray Arnold

Termite Talk from the PVE Woodworkers Association

August 15, 2017 By Ray Arnold
Termite Talk from the PVE Woodworkers Association

The Paradise Valley Estates Woodworkers Association has just concluded the first of its semiannual general membership meetings. These meetings are designed to inform members about what the board is doing, the projects we’re all working on, and to discuss future planning needs and ideas.

At the organization’s inception, a scant handful of original residents were shown the planned but empty woodshop, and asked to form their own organization, make their own rules, and fill the room with equipment. Over time, the woodshop has been filled to the brim with donated and purchased cutting and forming equipment, tools, pegboard, benches, shelves, drawers, screws, glue and members. The Termites now number more than fifty, representing several levels of skill.

One of our newest and most important pieces of cutting equipment is the table saw, a 10-inch whirring circular blade in a flat elevated platform, and with an incredible safety feature. No woodshop can work without one. Other notable pieces of Termite equipment include:

  • the miter saw (or chop saw)
  • a 10-inch whirring blade (with a rotating bed)
  • three belt sanders (each a different size and moving in a different direction)
  • a drill press (another must-have)
  • two sizes of band saws
  • a jigsaw (for scroll work)
  • a router (for decorative edges)
  • a planer (to ensure flat and level)
  • power hand tools of many descriptions


With all this power its easy to see why we are also looking forward to a little more room when a new Termites workshop is built as part of the community’s upcoming eight-acre expansion.

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