Greater Good

June 18, 2020 By Julie Turner

Supplied by Creativity

June 18, 2020 By Julie Turner
Supplied by Creativity

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, hand sanitizer seemed to evaporate from Northern California store shelves. In March there was such a national scarcity, the United States Department of the Treasury’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau decided to loosen regulations and allow distilleries and spirits producers to create ethanol-based hand sanitizers that could help fill the unprecedented demand fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hand sanitizer production turned into short-term opportunity for Solano County’s Heretic Brewing when their taproom and restaurant closed due to the shelter in place order. Not only could the production help sustain operations and preserve staffing, the product was greatly needed as traditional hand sanitizers were still nearly impossible to find.

In late March, Heretic created Germ Juice, an 80 percent ethanol World Health Organization-recommended hand sanitizer that the brewery would make and sell as part of their to-go business. Germ Juice hand sanitizer was made by combining high-proof ethanol and food-grade ingredients such as glycerol and hydrogen peroxide. While it could normally take up to four weeks to create a batch, Heretic had high-proof ethanol on-hand so in days their new product was off and running.

In one week, Heretic completely sold out and decided to refocus their distribution to prioritize first responders, senior facilities and hospitals. The sanitizer was so popular consumer sales resumed again in early May.

Hospital gowns and masks were two other supplies that became a challenge to find. Masks were in such demand, a team of Paradise Valley Estates residents dubbed “The Masketeers” cut and stitched hundreds for local healthcare providers, including those at Kaiser Roseville and at Paradise Valley Estates. In addition, community groups such as Fairfield High School and the Fairfield-Suisun Rotary Club donated gowns and masks for use at Paradise Valley Estates.

For Paradise Valley Estates and many other organizations, procurement of personal protective equipment, cleansers and hand sanitizer became creative exercises. Thankfully, many generous hearts and hands were close by to answer the call and help the Life Plan Community’s residents and team members avoid critical shortages.

Visit the Greater Good to learn how our Life Plan Community residents and team members are working hard to keep our community well and safe.


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