With the ground work preparation that began in the fall now complete, The Ridge neighborhood has moved yet another step forward. It’s only been a couple of months since the earthmovers and dump trucks arrived, but The Ridge is really beginning to take shape.
The timing couldn’t be better as 50 percent of the 70 brand-new residences in the Ridge expansion have already been reserved!
The community now has an infrastructure of water and sewer lines being moved into place. Lines are being laid — or being moved from more than halfway across the property — with the work expected to continue into January.
If you look at the site, you’ll notice some interesting new shapes that echo the community’s master plan. Footprints have been dug out to reflect the actual placement of the community’s buildings, villas and cottages to help those on the jobsite visualize the property layout more realistically. As you travel from the front of the property to the back, you can see cutouts for private cottages and feel how the community gradually rises toward the hills that’ll be golden again before long.
With the official groundbreaking planned for the spring of 2019 and the community opening slated for 2020, there’s much to do. Coming after the holiday season are a few key city inspections that will help construction keep moving forward seamlessly. With the inspections complete, we can keep moving ahead despite any slowdowns or delays from weather.
While it may not look like much has happened, something that’s not easy to see is that 6,000 cubic yards of dirt have already been removed from the site. That’s enough dirt to fill two and half Olympic-sized swimming pools! The dirt that remains onsite is part of the project plans; it’ll serve as backfill as construction goes from the ground, up.