Since 2013, PVE has been developing a solid relationship with the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) program at Fairfield High School. This Intergenerational program has supported ceremonies and other events at each other’s locations. Dinners, galas, and educational interactions have been enhanced through participation of the cadets and residents; clearly, it has been a mutually beneficial relationship. We are creating a database of residents who are willing to work with the cadets individually and/or speaking to small groups or the entire cadet corps. The AFJROTC unit’s primary mission is to help cadets develop as potential leaders and good citizens. Being a member of such a cadre allows development of essential team member and leadership skills. It is not an “accession program” in which graduating cadets are expected to pursue careers in the Armed Services. To be sure, advancing to the level of becoming a member of the Armed Services is an option for the cadets upon graduation. The committee’s latest initiative involves developing a database of residents interested in giving the cadets insight regarding the variety of options available as military and civilian careers. We want to include what they expect (e.g., Army infantry, Navy ships, Air Force flying) but also the vast number of other available fields. Collaborating with the cadets is fulfilling for them and for residents.
Recent talks presented to the Fairfield High School cadets by residents Major General Gary Voellger and Commander Bill Tschudy were extremely well received and appreciated by cadets and very satisfying for the speakers. PVE-AFJROTC Committee members will be available to give you more information about this program at the PVE Groups and Clubs Expo on Thursday, April 13. With the support of more PVE volunteers and the high school’s cadet faculty, we can convert this initiative into a viable mentoring program designed to help cadets choose future paths. –The PVE-AFJROTC Committee