Life Here

June 8, 2017 By PVE Residents

Passionate Bakers Support Fisher House

June 8, 2017 By PVE Residents
Passionate Bakers Support Fisher House

Traditionally, Girl Scout cookie sales take place in front of grocery stores and are sold door-to-door in March. Green-clad retailers enthusiastically extol the merits of Thin Mint Patties and other cookies. But at Paradise Valley Estates, a Girl Scout troop under the leadership of Director of Environmental Services, Lisa Coe, has bonded with a PVE group called Passionate Bakers, headed by Cheryl San Miguel, to bake and sell cookies as part of the annual Fisher House Golf Tournament Fundraiser.

Vicki Getz has chaired the Bake Sale for Fisher House at Travis AFB with energy and innovative ideas for marketing. Knowing that last year’s bake sale was completely sold out after just one hour, Vicki decided to enlist the aid of staff members and employees at PVE and invited them to contribute baked goods for the sale. “Girl Scouts to the Rescue!” was the rallying cry for badge-earners of Lisa Coe’s troop, and soon Vicki had a bounty of homemade, mouth-watering treats for the benefit.

To prepare for the March 31 event, the Passionate Bakers gathered on the day before the sale to package the treats and tasty offerings. Staff and employees were generous in their contributions, providing a delicious variety on the sales table. Beginning at 8:00 a.m. in the Community Center, purchasers selected their treats and made donations to Fisher House in any amount they chose. By the time the sale ended just after lunch, there were some remainders. Vicki Getz and her Bakers decided to deliver the “leftovers” to the current residents of Fisher House. They received a warm welcome upon delivering the cookies in the late afternoon.

In their two-year collaboration, the Passionate Bakers and Girl Scouts have raised more than $2,400 to provide amenities for the two houses that are residential havens for families whose loved ones are being treated at David Grant Medical Center.

This successful community outreach is an example of active retirement living that produces amazing results. When groups like the Passionate Bakers, Girl Scouts of Fairfield, and PVE employees and staff join forces their efforts benefit far more than Fisher House. What’s not to like?


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