Joolz San Miguel and Maggie Baker were the victors in Paradise Valley Estates’ first paw-litical campaign and assumed office on January 1.
Pet Mayor Joolz, accompanied by First Lady Cheryl San Miguel, made her inau-growl address on the January 4 episode of the Life Plan Community’s “Today in Paradise” TV show.
There may be future mayoral proclamations about canine and feline achievements on campus. And she could become the voice of the anti-litter campaign.
“I took my Arf of Office freely and willingly without any intent to paw-don any of my friends,” said Mayor Joolz. Vice Mayor Maggie Baker joined her to ask for “a round of a’paws for their 23 fellow candidates” in the election run by Amanda Pereira, of PVE’s wellness department.
Most candidates campaigned on their willingness to meet with people and their successes in exterminating rodents. Maggie’s slogan was: “Cats rule; dogs drool.”
When queried about her highest priorities, the Mayor barked, “I want to unleash the creativity and friendliness of our residents to make the addition of our new neighborhood, The Ridge, as smooth as possible.”
“That’s purr-fect,” agreed the Vice Mayor, an eight-year-old rescued Calico whose chief constituent is Cynthia Baker. She thinks the new treat jar at the reception desk is the cat’s meow and hopes it will remind owners who go there to keep pets’ medical records up to date.
Mayor Joolz is a six-year-old Coton de Tulear, a breed originating from Madagascar that is known for being sociable and vocal. She is a strong supporter of the two-party system: First, there is her own meal, preferably rotisserie chicken from Costco; then, when the doorbell rings twice, there is a chance for feast number 2.
“I walk three times a day, totaling five miles,” the new Mayor continued. “I want to support the wellness team in encouraging all two- and four-legged residents to join me for some outdoor exercise.”
Very adept at door-to-door campaigning, she starts her early morning outings by finding Henry Kim and his treats. Then it is “stop, smell and go” until the half-a-block dash for another snack at Chez Rawlinson. If she stares at Bill, he’s always good for a couple more. She collects great scratches and hugs from Bob and Debbie Lunning as well.
Mayor Joolz may also declare a Day of Appreciation for security team members at the front gate who give treats to dogs, especially those who are AWOL from their homes, to keep them from leaving the property.