Life Here

November 30, 2021 By Jan Heise

Finding Your Way in a New Town

November 30, 2021 By Jan Heise
Finding Your Way in a New Town

One of the first tasks when moving to a new city is getting a feel for how everything fits together. Then, even if you don’t find the place you’re looking for, you can at least find your way home. In September, the Welcome Home Committee conducted its first bus tour to help new residents of Paradise Valley Estates with that task.

Like every new venture, it helps to have people who know what they’re doing. Melody Roberts, our transportation coordinator extraordinaire, shared her twenty most-requested transportation locations with us and we arranged them into a bus route. Welcome Home members Sharon Goldman and Jan Heise did the outreach to new residents and arranged the logistics. But the real gift came from long-time Fairfield resident Betty Silva, who not only designed a tour map and compiled an extensive list of area highlights but acted as our knowledgeable tour guide. It’s useful to know your way to Low Court, the DMV, and the Public Library, but it’s fun to learn a bit about the local history along the way.

Over the coming year, PVE is expecting that many new residents will come from outside the area so the Fairfield City Tour may become a regular event.


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