Life Here

January 17, 2019 By Shirley Arnold

Discover U Past, Present and Future

January 17, 2019 By Shirley Arnold
Discover U Past, Present and Future

Discover U produced seven programs in 2018 that drew room capacity attendance. Inspired by Science Pub in Santa Barbara, our programs brought experts from the fields of science, nature and the arts. Guest speakers were invited who brought revelation and relevance to their topics. Revelation for us means breakthrough developments, cutting-edge research, and recent discoveries. Relevance screens for topics which have meaning for our community.

2018 Speakers Celebrated Science, Nature and the Arts

Of the seven this year, four were referred by our residents, two from publications, and one from the law enforcement electronic network.

January: Beer for a Butterfly

Professor Shapiro, UC Davis, Daily Republic.

February: Breaking a Leg in the Digital Age

Producing Artistic Director Buck Busfield of B Street Theatre, introduced by Dan Dougherty, PVE resident.

March: Searching for Life in Space

Dr. Alison Murray, NASA team, daughter of Richard and Marcy Murray, PVE residents.

June: Sherlock Holmes in the 21st Century

Detective Brian Pereira, and Frankie (his dog), Electronic Crimes forensics, NIXLE (national emergency information service).

September: Pacific Flyway Center: New Airbnb

Yancey Forest-Knowles and JD Bergeron, International Bird Rescue, Daily Republic.

October: Transcendence Theatre Company: Broadway under the Stars

Co-executive Director Stephan Stubbins, introduced by Kim and Susan Marshall, PVE residents.

November: You May Not Be Who You Think You Are

Jim Rader, Genealogist referred by John Maloney, PVE resident.

Next Series Begins January 23

On January 23, we will welcome the first guest speaker in our 2019 program series.

Professor Emeritus Louis E. Grivetti, UC Davis will join us for a discussion called “C is for Chocolate.” We hope to see you there!


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