Paradise Valley Estates management, the Resident Council, Landscape Committee, and resident volunteers have teamed up to create a beautiful new garden within the Life Plan Community.
The idea began when a plot designated as a “grandfathered” garden became available to PVE maintenance. The area had been maintained as a “natural” garden attracting birds, butterflies, and animals. A bench overlooked the plot and, pre-pandemic, residents from different neighborhoods were often seen relaxing together and enjoying nature. A question about what to do with the plot became an opportunity for the Landscape Committee to recommend its transformation into an enjoyable and picturesque garden.
The Landscape Committee convened a subcommittee of its members, Building 3000 residents and PVE maintenance to study the issue and make a recommendation. The subcommittee designed the new garden to create a scenic walkway between buildings while continuing to attract wildlife and maintain a place for Laurel Creek residents to sit, relax and view nature. Funding for the garden would be shared by the maintenance team, the Resident Council, and donations from residents. The installation and ongoing maintenance of the garden would be shared by most of the same consortium.
Thanks to this cooperative and collaborative endeavor between maintenance, the Resident Council, Landscape Committee, and individual residents, we now have a new scenic garden in which to sit and enjoy nature.