At about this time of the year 15 years ago, preparations were being made for a celebration of Paradise Valley Estate’s 10th birthday. As chair of the Northern California Retired Officers Community (NCROC) Board at the time, I was asked to write a brief article on how PVE got started. Since my predecessor, Major General John Collens, NCROC’s first chair, had recently written the History of Paradise Valley Estates (available on Pulse), I chose to address the founders’ visions and their goals. I’ll restate them for you now. Their vision: “To develop a property designed to nurture independence, promote wellness, preserve dignity, and protect individual rights.” Their goals: “To be a premier continuing care community by excelling in care and services, providing ample, well-trained personnel in a cost-effective manner to meet the needs of that community.”
At that 10-year point, the consensus of the residents, our hard-working team members, and the board was that both the vision and goals had been met and were being maintained. But not mentioned in either was the fellowship and comradeship that developed among residents from all points in the United States with varied backgrounds in many interesting endeavors. On their own, the residents led the way in developing the social community, established such groups as The Hot Flashes (a ladies dancing team), the Termites (you all know who they are!), and many other fun groups and activities. Then, with management’s approval, the Resident Council established committees to assure that the needs and wishes of the residents would be heard. Quail Creek, an additional bocce court, an upgraded putting green, a Remembrance Garden, and, yes, even a dog park are but some of the improvements made at residents’ request. Now, as we celebrate our 25th birthday, PVE remains the same: offering quality living with fellowship and comradeship and a certain charm all its own. The future at PVE is just around the corner and will bring new facilities for all to enjoy. While management and the team members have provided the comforts we seek and enjoy, it is you, my fellow residents, who have created the friendly, happy atmosphere that makes PVE such a wonderful place to live. So, pat each other on the back. You all have done a great job of making our home into a Paradise. May it forever be that way.