The Sixties in Rearview
The Sixties turned out to be anything but quiet.
In September, PVE celebrated Active Aging Week and we certainly enjoy a wide variety of physical fitness activities designed for every level of ability here.
Since 2004, The PVE Scholarship Committee has awarded 121 scholarships.
It was early fall of 1940 and I was in the third grade of James Witcomb Riley School, a rural elementary school on the outskirts of Richmond, Indiana, my hometown.
Each November, the Vacaville Festival of Trees springs up in support of Opportunity House, a Vacaville nonprofit that offers transitional and alternative housing, support services, mentorship and volunteer programs.
Originally built during the Gold Rush between 1853 and 1861 by the U.S. Army Engineers, Fort Point is one of a system of forts designed to protect the San Francisco Bay.
With construction of The Ridge in its earliest stages, we sat down with two of our new neighborhood’s Summit Club members, Betty and Ray Silva, for a chat about their planned move to Paradise Valley Estates.
Recently, there were many signs of trouble as the tourist boat landing area at the Arizona Memorial began crumbling away. Then came the announcement that the memorial was closing indefinitely for repairs.