Military Traditions

A USO Show Comes to Town

The U.S. divisional headquarters advisory detachment south of the Mekong had set up shop in the departed Bank of Indochina.

Local Planner: Fort Point National Historic Site

Originally built during the Gold Rush between 1853 and 1861 by the U.S. Army Engineers, Fort Point is one of a system of forts designed to protect the San Francisco Bay.

True Story from the Arizona Memorial

Recently, there were many signs of trouble as the tourist boat landing area at the Arizona Memorial began crumbling away. Then came the announcement that the memorial was closing indefinitely for repairs.

Scouts Out

Sixty-five percent of the 10,631 missions flown by the Eighth Air Force aircraft — 6,900 missions — were affected by European weather.

The Last Banzai

On August 28, our ship was honored to lead the Fleet Parade into Tokyo Bay.

Swords in the Military

The sword is said to be the emblem of military honor and should incite the bearer to a just and generous pursuit of honor and virtue.

Red Ants and Me

After standing in a red ant pile, Resident Bill McNamara's mind quickly flashed back to his first tour in Vietnam

National Nurses’ Week: History of Military Nurses

Each may, during National Nurses Week, it’s fitting that nurses be recognized for their long history of service in providing care to the ill and injured and in maintaining the health of our citizens and military members.

Embarrassing Consequence

The best duty station the Shelly family enjoyed was when the Navy sent Dick to Hawaii in 1968.

World War II Ladies

Did you know that there are at least eight ladies living at Paradise Valley Estates who played a role in the effort to assist our troops during World War II?