The BIG Foxhole
One officer’s journey through the Army headquarters hierarchy trains him for a real-world assignment: parenting.
One officer’s journey through the Army headquarters hierarchy trains him for a real-world assignment: parenting.
An “old soldier” from the Army once enjoyed a Navy cruise from San Diego to Mare Island and was pleasantly surprised by the ship’s honorary protocols and unconventional crew.
Recalling the moxie of a former Marine who used his guts to level brush for the Alaskan railroad.
Watching his granddaughter’s graduation ceremony, resident R.A. Jones is reminded that new generations continue to step up.
Take it from an Army guy, military living is a lifetime of plusses that can reach beyond a service member’s retirement.
Back in the sixties, resident R. A. Jones was on the shore of Monterey Bay, as the Tenth Infantry planted its colors at long gone Fort Ord.
Even in 1963 there were faint rumors that Russian and Chinese advisors were in the field against us in South Vietnam.
Neon lights proclaimed it “The Green Lantern.” Any construction boomer in Anchorage knew it more accurately as “The Green Latrine.”
In the 1960s only limited, highly risky means were available to exfiltrate agents from behind the Iron Curtain.
If in the mid twentieth century you had lived in Bavaria, you would have become aware that sometimes at night would come the deep growling of a large transport plane flying very low and beneath all radar.