The Obligatory Baths
The lessons of water management were taught early to Mary Ann. Her grandmother Flora had already lived through years of it in northwestern Colorado including some pretty unforgettable Saturday night baths.
The lessons of water management were taught early to Mary Ann. Her grandmother Flora had already lived through years of it in northwestern Colorado including some pretty unforgettable Saturday night baths.
The five senses with which we were born color our lives in ways that we cannot fathom. Some of them are more acute than others. However, when one is missing or even dulled, the others take on some of the missing roles.
A springtime ritual for five neighborhood kids, of which I was one, was our version of “A Walk in The Woods.” There was nothing like a beautiful spring day in our small town of Globe, Arizona.
Our small study group suddenly had the golden opportunity to spend a weekend in Santa Barbara.
Imagine living in California without a car! My college girlfriend and I did it for a year while saving money to make down payments on cars.
I had done little thinking about selling our house and downsizing our belongings, but suddenly we were in the midst of chaos.